Block Email From Self

Information Details

Normally, the reason you have reached this page is because a mail server has sent you a message when it rejected an email from you, or one of your users.

  • If you are an email or network operator, you can continue reading this section
  • If you are a user sending email and it got blocked, you should read this section instead

Information for Email and Network Operators

Although email servers can by RFC accept connections where the recipient and the sender are the same, and many people do send themselves email, some people may choose to reject email from themselves, as they know it is a forgery. This is NOT part of Best Practices as such and is only included here for information purposes. Normally when this occurs the recipient has chosen a ‘Very Strict’ set of rules to help prevent against spammers, and this rule is included or available. If one of your customers reports this, you might want to check to see if it is indeed the person they say they are. Or if you are using this rule yourselves, you may wish to stop using it, as other rules and tools usually can also detect this type of behavior. (ie forgery). Spammers often attempt this type of forgery though, especially as they know a lot of people whitelist themselves, or their domain, intentionally or accidentally.

If you are the one sending the message, and you were blocked with this message, make sure you have your email client setup correctly.

Information for users. Why was my email blocked?

If your email was blocked, and the link sent you here it is probably because your email client is not set up correctly, ie you may be using someone elses personal settings, instead of your own. If you ARE trying to send email to yourself, and you encounter this, then possibly you should check your spam settings. Or ask your ISP or Email Administrator for more information on this rule. (and Subject:) but this is normally what you use as login information or setup information for your email account.