Tag Archives: scam

New Sextortion Variant, Tax Extortion

A new variation of the ‘sextortion‘ spam has been seen in the wild, this time in the context of tax evasion. This extortion variant has many similarities with the previous ‘sextortion’ and ‘bomb extortion’ type spam. It may say that … Continue reading

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A Brief Reminder on Sextortion Spam

The sextortion spam that is prominent today has existed for many months now, if not longer. We’ve written about it ourselves in our April post (https://spamauditor.org/2018/04/no-they-didnt-catch-you-masturbating/). However, we understand most people are not up to date with Information Security news, … Continue reading

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No they didn’t catch you masturbating

A new malicious spam is making the rounds, and it might scare a few people into falling for this. This form of ‘blackmail’ spam, pretends that some how they hacked your computer or home TV and watched you through your … Continue reading

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Tis the Season for Parking Tickets

It looks like Canadians need to watch out for fake parking ticket spam this Christmas season.  We have gotten reports that once again, (see http://spamauditor.org/2017/05/parkingspeeding-…geting-canadians/) spam originating from a large Russian Hosting company is targeting Canadians. For one, just look … Continue reading

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Parking/Speeding Ticket? Scam Emails Targeting Canadians

While we are not sure if they are targeting everyone, or if Canadians are being specially targeted, but on the heels of the recent Parking Ticket scams they are now sending out Fake Speeding ticket spam. And while we can’t … Continue reading

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BotNets kick into high gear again worldwide

Okay, this isn’t that much of a threat as it seems, as most of it can be stopped by using simple RBL (Real Time Blacklists) that block the generic home style connections, sometimes referred to as DUL or Dynamic IP … Continue reading

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Get your Amazon Gift Card? fightspam.ca

It’s Xmas time, so of course this is the time of year when people try to take advantage, have you ever got one of those surprise Amazon Gift Cards in the email? Well, here is an example of what hit … Continue reading

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Latest Bot Spam Making the rounds

A risk free antiobesity drug.. yeah right.. Normally this shouldn’t affect most people, as it is coming from compromised devices and not email servers, and it looks to be going out to a database of hacked or stolen email addresses … Continue reading

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